Monday, June 29, 2009

Damn you, Martha!

I was feeling so proud of myself for finally posting my flowers. I have been on the project for months now, but somehow posting about it feels like copyrighting the idea or something :P

That was until I opened this issue of Martha Stewart Weddings.

FMIL Pudding
bought me a subscription when Mr. P and I first got engaged, and I love getting inspiration from the magazine.

In this issue, however, Martha not only steals my idea (which was inspired by her in the first place, but whatever!), she does it soooo much better than me!

How can I compete with this?

Now, Martha does offer a tutorial. Don't you sometimes think that she gives us the step by step just to mock us? I wouldn't be surprised if she did a DIY guide to brain surgery one of these days! I might have Mama Pudding take a look at the pattern and see if she can whip them up. Than I could have two types of flowers alternating on the tables. Sigh. I should probably just stick to my easier, more plain version, but I am an envious person by nature, and these are just so beautiful!

Do you strive to compete with Martha?

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I would just stick with the one. I think the two flowers are very different styles, and if you used both it would just end up looking a bit messy and overdone. Plus that second flower looks like waaaay more work. :P
