Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Love Story: The Perfect Plan

Get the background on this love story here.

Some of you have figured out that the "girl" in the love story is Mama Pudding. You gals (and gents) are so smart, I can get nothing past you!

Mama Pudding and M have been "dating" for a little over a year now. I put the word "dating" in quotation marks simply because it's hard to actually nail down when they became a couple. M sent his very first email to Mama Pudding in April of last year, and they have been head over heels ever since. Mama P keeps telling me that one day she will give me access to all of their emails so I can write a bestselling novel. I can't wait to read what was in that first email.

Anyway, back to the story:

About a month and a half ago, M called me on Skype. This sometimes happens, but only because M is not very computer literate, and he often mistakenly calls me when he means to call my mom (foreshadowing?). This time, he had meant to call me. He had a plan:

At the beginning of December, Mama Pudding turned 50 years old. M wanted to surprise her by flying in for her birthday. He wanted me to arrange for the flight, since it is cheaper to buy plane tickets from here than from Poland (weird, huh?). I was all for the surprise, especially since I would be unable to make the birthday myself. M also asked me to arrange for Sister Pudding to pick him up from the airport, and ask her to buy 50 red roses so he wouldn't surprise Mama P empty handed. He also bashfully mentioned that he had something else to talk to me about, but that we would do it "another time".

I did have my suspicions about what he wanted to talk to me about, and they were confirmed when M, once again via Skype, called me a week or so later. For some reason my webcam wasn't working, so he used the opportunity to tell me that he was planning on proposing to Mama Pudding upon his arrival. He said that not seeing me made him braver!

Of course, Sister P and I were ecstatic! We got right to work planning the perfect surprise. We spun many lies to ensure that Mama P would be home (she's a very busy women). We let my aunt in on the surprise so that Sister P and M could stop at her house first. M wanted to shower and change into a suit for his big moment.

Things were going wonderfully for a while. M would call Sister P and I almost ever night because he was so excited/anxious. He kept telling us how hard it was to lie to Mama P - he worried that she would catch on. She didn't.

Two nights before M was to fly in, he sent me an email. It said something like this (I am paraphrasing, because the email was in Polish):

Hi Miss Pudding!

I am so excited about our surprise that I haven't been able to sleep. Tomorrow I will be packing my suitcases, and than I will be on my way to Canada!

Please remind Sister P to purchase 50 of the most beautiful roses she can find. I am not flying across the ocean to show up with just one!

I will be forever grateful to you girls,


Cute, right? There was one problem though. I didn't get this email from M - Mama P forwarded it to me. That's right! He had accidentally sent it to her instead of me (remember the computer illiteracy?)! The surprise was ruined!

I know how you love a cliff hanger, so to be continued...

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