Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It Started with a Ring

Our journey to the alter officially began on August 21, 2008. That is the day that Mr. Pudding proposed. Of course, we had been chatting about getting married for a while, but we both wanted to have that perfect moment to remember. Our "perfect moment" turned out to be quite spontaneous, but it was nevertheless perfect.

I had been sending Mr. P pictures of the types of ring I would like, but we both wanted him to have the final say. I had some grand visions for the type of ring I wanted....turns out, I have expensive tastes! I really loved the bezel setting, and had spent too much time checking out the engagement ring advertisements in Martha Stewart. This is what I wanted:

Beautiful, right? I didn't really care about the shape of the diamond, but I knew that I wanted the center stone to be surrounded by smaller diamonds. While Mr. Pudding was shopping around, I was doing research of my own. I spent hours searching for beautiful rings online, only to find that all of the rings that I loved came with very expensive price tags! The ring above came from costco.com, and actually costs $26,999 (isn't costco supposed to be a wholesale discount store?)! Once I came to the realization that my dream ring probably wasn't in the cards due to our "just graduated" budget, I began to have nightmares about rings. I pictured Mr. P proposing with a simple band solitaire, or a yellow gold ring, or many other rings that may be beautiful on some, but just don't suit me! I was worried that my reaction to seeing the ring would be similar to the reaction that Carrie had when she saw the first ring that Aiden bought for her. I tried to imagine myself faking excitement.....I even practiced in the mirror. I was so sure that my dream ring was not in the cards.

In the end, I shouldn't have worried. My prince charming came through! He searched and searched until he found a ring that I would love, and we could also afford! This just goes to show that a man who loves you will move mountains to make you happy, and Mr. P did not fail! Here are some shots of my sparkler:

(all shots by me using - what else - Anne Ruthmann's tutorial)

Did your partner surprise you by finding your dream ring?

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