Friday, May 15, 2009

Nailed Down

With the booking of a church and a reception venue, we are officially getting married in July, 2010! It's exciting and scary all at the same time.

So, here is what we have so far:

We will be getting married at my childhood church. It is a Polish Roman Catholic church, which means that most of the congregation is Polish. There are many churches like this around the Greater Toronto Area, as there is a very large Polish community here:

I have been going to church here since we came to Canada in 1992, and I can't imagine getting married anywhere else. Plus, that large staircase makes for a great group shot location after the ceremony!

The inside of the church is not breathtaking, but at least the ugly red carpet that used to cover the alter (and that I often vacuumed during the summer as a part time job) has been replaced with marble.

Our reception will take place at our local Polish cultural hall....which is actually much nicer than it sounds:

I would say that 75% of the weddings that I have ever attended have been at this hall, and as a little girl I used to dream about being married here as well. Because I am quite active in the Polish community, I know this venue quite well. Getting married here is kind of like getting married at home - I know where everything is. I know all of the rules, and which ones I can break :P

Unfortunately, the first person to greet me and my new husband upon entrance to our reception hall will be this guy:

Any ideas on how to cover him up?

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