Friday, October 9, 2009

The Dress that Almost Made Me Change my Mind

I have told you about my vision of having my bridesmaids wear long flowing dresses. I am still 100% behind this idea. However, I did have a bit of a wavering moment when Sister Pudding and her boyfriend came to visit a couple of weeks ago. We were enjoying lunch on a patio on Church Street in Burlington when we noticed a cute, short, navy blue dress in the window of a store across the street. Much to the dismay of my sister's beau, we decided to drop in and try it on. They only had two dresses available, and even though the one on the floor was too small, the dress on the mannequin was in sister Pudding's size! We had the sales girl take it out of the window, and my sister put it on.

Photo by me!

Oh my gosh, how cute is that! It fit my sister so well and had so many cute folds and details (not really visible with this cell-phone-quality picture). And the too small dress? Just in FSIL Pudding's size! Two perfect dresses that would fit my two perfect bridesmaids? How perfect! Perfect, that is, until we looked at the price tag. The dresses were by Soshanna and cost $410.00 each! That is way too steep for my two student bridesmaids. I promised my sister that I would look the dresses up online, and see if I could find them for a better price. I did end up finding the dress on the Neiman Marcus website. Did I find a great deal on the dress? Umm....No. The dress was more expensive at the department store, costing $440.00. Apparently, at $410.00, the dress was a steal!

So, we moved on, but I still check the Neiman Marcus website from time to time to see if this adorable dress is on sale.

Did you find any fabulous BM dresses that were unfortunately out of their budget?

1 comment:

  1. It was a rather perfect dress, with 2 perfect sizes ... but alas, it simply was not ment to be!
    (no way i'm paying that much!)
