Monday, October 12, 2009

Water, Water Everywhere!

During my practice teaching term in college, I started drinking lots of water. As a teacher, I HAVE to constantly hold something in my hand to ease the awkward moments when I ask a question, and my students don't know the answer. Instead of standing at the front of the room feeling like an idiot during the longest silence ever, I would take a sip of water. Coffee works too, but I was too lazy to get up in the morning to make it, and it cost like $1.25 in the cafeteria. Hey, I needed that money for shoes!

Anyway, my Nalgene bottle (BPA and all) became my prop of choice. I was thrilled to discover that there were other benefits to the habit! Mostly, my usually acne-prone-when-stressed-or-about-to-get-a-visit-from-that-certain-aunt skin had never looked better!

Since than, I have dropped the water habit, and picked up a very nasty caffeine addiction. My skin has also gotten a lot worse. I always thought that people grew out of acne, but at 26, I feel like that is just not in the cards for me. I have the typical adult acne on my chin and cheeks, and this will not do for my wedding day! I am determined to do something about it.

Currently, I am trying out different combinations of cleansers, toners/astringents, and moisturizers hoping that something will work. I am also drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day. Now, upon doing some research, I have found that there is actually little scientific proof that drinking lots of water aids in the curing of acne. However, drinking water has a lot of added benefits, since it:
  • regulates appetite

  • increases metabolism

  • boosts energy levels

  • helps reduce blood pressure

  • helps reduce high cholesterol

  • eases joint pain

So, I figure, since it can't do any harm, I might as well keep drinking. And if it happens to do something positive for my skin, so much the better!

Do you have any home remedies for acne prone skin?

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