Friday, October 23, 2009

My First Date with Craig

Here at the hive, bees (like Mrs. Joey, and Miss Lamb) have been buzzing about Craigslist. Until recently, I was a Craigslist virgin. I had never even been to the site! Come to think of it, although I've certainly explored sites such as Ebay, I've never actually bought anything from these online sources! I guess I'm just a little bit weirded out by used stuff....the snob in me says, "well, if it's not good enough for you, it's certainly not good enough for me!" (my how far I've come from my Polish-Communist-food stamp childhood).

Anyway, after all of the wonderful and cheap things that the bees have found on Craigslist, I decided to just take a look and see what was available in my area. And, can you believe it, I found something that I loved. I found something that I loved, and it cost peanuts!

Now, usually, when I find something I love, I hmmmm and huhhhh, and ask Sister Pudding what she thinks (she usually loves it), and ask Mama Pudding what she thinks (she usually hates it), and by the time I actually decide that I must have it, it's no longer available. This is exactly what happened to the beautiful and cheap candlesticks.

But this time, I did something very out of character. I immediately emailed the seller, who wrote me back with a phone number. The next morning, as if possessed by the spirit of my take charge little sis, I called her. And at 2:30pm, I was the proud owner of my very own free standing antique aluminum mailbox!!!!!

......Wanna see???

How amazing will this be as a card box? I think that I might have Mr. Pudding paint it (although beautiful, the shabby-chic colour doesn't really mesh with our event). I'm thinking white, with a navy blue "Letters" flap and yellow "Letters". Here's a little close up:

Anyone know how to paint aluminum???

* All photos by me.

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