Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Being Held Accountable

Do you remember the evolution of my STD's?

You don't?

Well, that's probably because it's been forever since I talked about them (more like just over a month - that is called a hyperbole - consider this a "teachable moment").  I am ashamed to tell you this, hive, but my STD's are still not finished.  I have been making a major push to get them done before the year is up, but I am unsure if I will succeed.  With our wedding being in July, this really is "do or die" time.  If I don't get them done in the next week or so, I might as well forget them and move on to the invitations.

So, I am begging you to help me stop procrastinating and finish these puppies up!  I give you permission to call me a slacker, a dead-beat bride, or any other insult you can come up with until I write that triumphant "they're in the mail" post.  And as a reward for your troubles, here is a sneak peak of the finished product:

What project have you been putting off?

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