Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I'll be Home for Christmas (But Only in my Dreams)

In my last post, I talked about the good things that can sometimes come with a long distance relationship.  Now, I am going to talk about the worst:  spending the holidays apart.

Mr. Pudding and I have always spent the holidays far away from each other.  Even during our years at college, he would go home to Vermont for the holidays, and I would go to Toronto.  We would exchange excited phone calls and emails about family events, and send pictures of us opening presents and celebrating Wigilia.  We were always extremely sad at the fact that we were unable to share these moments together.

This year, Mr. Pudding and I will spend Christmas together for the very first time.  We have dreamed of our first Christmas together for such a long time that I feel like my heart should be bursting with joy.

It's not.  For the last couple of days I have been very sad about the fact that I will not spend Christmas with my family.  I have been missing my Mama, and Sister Pudding, and Tata Pudding, and even Brother Pudding (who's studying overseas and won't be home for Christmas either).  I'm terribly sad about all of the family traditions that I will be missing, like Mama Pudding making Sister P and I bake terrible sugar cookie men, that often end up missing a leg, or an arm, or a head.  I miss our plastic Christmas tree with lot's and lot's of silver tinsel.  I miss the fact that the Christmas season meant that the whole family would be dressed to the nines all day, and we had to go to church practically every day for a week.

This year, I will be celebrating Christmas with the love of my life.  We will open presents on Christmas Day (my fam opens them on Christmas Eve), in my pajamas, next to a real, live Christmas tree.  We will eat cookies that look like they belong in a Martha Stewart magazine.  It will be wonderful, and lovely, and very joyous.

But it won't be home.

Anyone else spending their first Christmas away from their family?

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