Monday, December 21, 2009

Sometimes, I miss our LDR

I've mentioned before that Mr. Pudding and I were in a 2 year, long distance relationship.  After being together (off and on) for four years in college, we both decided that we were not yet ready to commit to moving to another country. Our relationship was at a "make it or break it" point, and there was no better way to test its strength.

Our LDR taught us that we desperately, intensely, passionately wanted to be together.  Now, don't get me wrong, being in a LDR is rough.  I spent many nights upset and crying because I wanted Mr. P beside me, not 600km away.

Still, there were definitely some advantages to our situation.  The thing about LDRs is that they can be extremely romantic - the constant hellos and goodbyes are very exciting, and it is hard to be mad at each other when you're only spending a weekend together.

So, I thought that it would be fun to share my list of top 10 things that I loved about being in a LDR:
  1. Flowers - Mr. P used to bring me flowers at least once every two months when we were in an LDR.  Now, I haven't seen a bouquet since we have been reunited almost 4 months ago.
  2. Fancy Dates - When you are in an LDR, you want to make every moment together count.  We went to all of the local museums and hot spots.  Now, we spend most nights on the couch (which, admittedly, I love).
  3. Being constantly connected - When we were apart, Mr. P and I would chat via G-Chat throughout the day, and always, always talked on the phone before going to bed.
  4. Talking - As a result of being constantly connected, Mr. P and I used to talk about the most mundane things.  Everything from what we had for lunch to what we were watching on tv seemed like breaking news.
  5. Kissing - Mr. P and I were majorly into the PDA when we were in an LDR.  We're still a sickeningly lovey dovey couple, but it's definitely been toned down.
  6. Anticipation - There is no better feeling than waiting for your honey to arrive, knowing that he would be there any moment, and you had the whole weekend ahead of you.
  7. Feeling desired - I'm sorry, but there is nothing more attractive than a man who would drive a total of 14 hours just to spend 48 with you.
  8. Wanting to be desired - I would primp for every single visit.  My nails would always be done, and my legs always shaved.  Not so much now :P
  9. Picking a fight out of sadness, not anger - Like clockwork, Mr. P and I would always get in a fight on our way to the train station.  There was something freeing about getting rid of all those emotions, knowing that this release came from a sadness that the other was leaving.
  10. Planning the next scheduled visit - Mr. P and I visited each other every other weekend.  It felt almost like anticipating Christmas morning twice a month!
Are any of you in an LDR?  What do you love/hate about being far away from each other?

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