Monday, December 14, 2009

A Love Story: One Family, Two Brides

Ok, I know that some of you were pretty upset with me for making you wait this long, but in my defense, this story was very complicated!

So, in my last installment, I mentioned how the flowers that were supposed to be delivered to Mama Pudding's work never got there.

I frantically called Sister Pudding, who frantically called the flower shop. They told her that they were running behind schedule all day, and that the flowers may have been delivered a little bit late. Bummer. Luckily, our aunt works with Mama Pudding, so we called her to ask if maybe the flowers came after Mama P had left. They had! Fortune was finally on our side: my aunt had brought them home with her.

We explained the situation to my aunt, who jumped in her car and drove them to Mama P's house. About 20 minutes later, I received a call from two very giddy and chatty girls (it's amazing how a girl in love acts the same whether she is 16 or 50). They wanted to know more! I, of course, kept my mouth shut, and just told Mama P to dress nice, and to pack what she would need for the night.

Meanwhile, Sister P had purchased 38 roses (to go with the previous 12, making 50 all together), rose petals, bottles of wine and champagne, and candles. She also ordered food from a local restaurant (the restaurant at the inn would already be closed when they arrived) and made chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. She drove to the inn, and set everything up. Than, she sat in her car, waiting for their arrival.

After I received the call that they had finally arrived from Sister P, we both had to wait until the next day to find out what happened. You guys think that it's been hard to wait for the conclusion of this story, you have no idea how difficult it was for Sister P and me!

I finally got a call in the late afternoon the next day, and was filled in on what happened by a very excited couple. M said that the moment they entered the inn, Mama Pudding started badgering the receptionist. She wanted to know about dinner, and costs, and checkout times, but the receptionist played his part well and did not say a peep. He simply walked them upstairs, where their room was lit with candles and the glow of the fire place. M immediately opened up the bottle of champagne that Sister P had left for them. He handed Mama P a glass, and made a toast about their journey. Mama P actually could not fill me in on exactly what he said, but she did mention that she wondered what he was blabbering on about - M swears that it was very romantic.

They took a sip of their champagne, and Mama P began to change the subject. But M suggested that they drink their champagne "do dna" - bottoms up - which is a customary way to celebrate in Poland. Mama P took a bigger drink and....

Noticed that there was something sparkly at the bottom of her glass! She got so excited that she couldn't even finish her champagne! She made M drink it, and than he placed the ring on her finger....of course she said YES!!!

They spent the rest of the night eating the dinner and dessert that Sister Pudding had prepared, and talking about their future together. They said that they didn't sleep a wink...

On the weekend, they celebrated Mama P's 50th birthday and their engagement with their closest friends and family. Mama Pudding, who had such a hard time on her 40th birthday, went on and on about how wonderful her 50th was. She keeps saying that her life is finally about to start...

Were any of you lucky enough to witness one of your parents fall head over heels in love?

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