Monday, June 28, 2010

Goody Two Shoes

***First, a disclaimer:  So much has been happening as we are approaching W-Day, that I barely have time to breathe, let alone blog.  Sister Pudding has been on my case about it, but I hope that the hive will  be a little more understanding.  I have tried really hard in the past couple of weeks to check in at least once every few days, and will continue to do so until the wedding. ***

This post is about SHOES.  Judging by the comments on past shoe posts like this one and this one , this topic gets the hive buzzing.  And despite the fact that this post should have been written about a month ago, who am I to rob you of a good shoegasm?

Like many, many brides before me, I have recently become a two-shoe bride.  I really couldn't afford to be a two-dress bride, so the shoe dilemma had to suffice to fuel my need to be indecisive and paranoid :P

Remember my original shoes?  They were these lovlies from Badgley Mischka:

If you remember correctly, these shoes didn't floor me.  Don't get me wrong, I really liked them.  I just knew that they were not the most special shoes that I have ever worn, and I really wanted my wedding shoes to make a statement, a la Mrs. Cola.  So, I kept the shoes, but I also kept looking.  And one day, while doing another aimless internet search, I stumbled upon these:

They were definitely "special".  But in a good way, or a bad way?  I showed them to Mama Pudding.  Her exact words (in a loose translation by me) were, "those are some stupid looking shoes".  Sister Pudding said, in her politically correct way, "I would never wear them".  But I just couldn't let them go without seeing them for myself.  And with free shipping both ways from, I had nothing to lose!

When the shoes came, they were too small (note to North American shoe retailers selling European shoes:  a size 39 European is not a size 9 North American.  The last digit of the European size does not correlate to the American size in any way!).  Nevertheless, I knew that I loved them.  I exchanged them for a bigger pair, and nervously took them to Canada to be scrutinized by Mama and Sister P.

To my surprise, in real life everyone loved them!  They are a perfect match for my wedding dress, and the overall feel of our wedding.  Sure, they are over the top.  Sure, I will never, ever wear them again.  But for me, that's kind of the point:  these are once in a life time shoes.

Were your shoes practical, or over the top?  Did you purchase shoes that others around you hated at first?  Which of the two pairs of shoes above do you prefer?

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