Thursday, November 19, 2009

Drink and be Married?

As was evidenced by the two weddings that we attended in Poland this year, a Polish wedding is not complete without alcohol. Wodka is a traditional Polish favorite, but us Poles don't discriminate. We are equally fond of tequila, gin, rum, whiskey, wine, beer and many others. All of these multicultural guests will make an appearance at our wedding. Cutting out the open bar to save on costs was just not an option for us.

Despite the "merriment" at our reception, I have asked that love be the groom's intoxicant of choice. I made him promise that he will not drink.

You see, despite the fact that Mr. Pudding's alcohol consumption is above average for an American, he sometimes forgets that he is only 1/4 Polish. He tries to keep up with my family, and it doesn't always end well.

Because I love all of you at the hive dearly, and trust that you will not sell me out to Mr. P, I am going to tell you a secret: I don't actually plan on holding Mr. P to his promise. I know that when Tata Pudding offers him a wodka shot to celebrate his becoming a part of our family, it will be impossible (and rude) for him to refuse! I am hoping that the promise to me will make him think twice about his alcohol consumption, and will limit him to 2-3 drinks, tops. After all, I don't want him to end up like this guy:


Are you giving your groom any alcohol consumption guidelines?

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