Friday, December 18, 2009

She'll Be Coming Across the Ocean (Maybe)

My Babcia is the most wonderful, courageous, and inspiring woman that I have ever met. She survived WWII in Poland, where she was imprisoned in a Nazi work camp. After the war, she walked home from the took her several weeks. Despite that, she managed to raise 6 kids, 4 of whom would eventually move to Canada. Despite the distance, and the fact that most women her age would be terrified to get on a plane, she has traveled to Canada more than a dozen times.

This is a picture of my aunt, my Babcia and me taken when I visited Poland this summer:

(photo by Mr. Pudding)

I am ashamed to say that this is the only picture that I took with my dear Babcia. I only saw her for one weekend and was too busy listening to family stories to think about grabbing my camera.

Anyway, my Babcia has promised to make it to Canada for our wedding next year. Nothing would make me happier than to have her with me on that day. We have a very special relationship, and along with Mama and Sister Pudding, she is one of the most important women in my life.

Nevertheless, my Babcia turned 86 in October, and even though she is in very good health, I realize that at her age things could change by next summer. She might not be able to make the long and exhausting journey to Canada. Because she is also aware of this, she gave both Mr. Pudding and me a wedding present when we were in Poland, "just in case". Babcia Pudding is very religious, so she gave both of us rosaries. Here is mine:

(photo by me)

I would like to carry this rosary with me on my wedding day, and I think wrapping it around the stems of my flowers would be the perfect way to do that. I'm thinking something like this image on the left:

Since I plan on wearing gold and pearl jewelry, I think that this will be a perfect little detail for my flowers.

Are you having any long distance guest at your wedding?  How are you planning to honour the ones that can't make it?

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